Đỗ Hữu Thắng

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I am currently a fourth-year IT student with a desire to undertake internships at various teams or companies. My goal is to gain knowledge and practical experience, which will be helpful for my path to becoming a professional programmer. With youthful energy, enthusiasm, and a spirit of continuous learning, I aspire to dedicate myself fully to the company and develop applications that are beneficial and valuable to everyone.

Kinh nghiệm

Ban Bien corporation
Three months
Back-end Internship

I received training to build an ASP.NET Web API project and assisted with coding various minor tasks.

Course Project
Mobile programming course project

Building an e-commerce application using Flutter and Firebase

Course Project
.Net Programing Project

Building an e-commerce website using ASP.NET CORE MVC

Kỹ năng

  • C#, ASP.NET (50%)
  • Dart, Flutter (50%)
  • Database SQL Server (50%)
  • Self-learning (50%)
  • IETLS Certificate (50%)

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